
The standard fee for our services is CZK 5,000 per hour. The lawyer's remuneration can also be agreed upon as a monthly fixed amount, in case of regular cooperation.

In some matters, depending on the nature of the case, it is possible to negotiate a success fee. In this case, the client pays a certain amount as a deposit, and in the future, the attorney receives remuneration in the form of a certain percentage of the amount collected or a pre-agreed amount.

In cases where the attorney's fee and reimbursement of the attorney's expenses are not agreed between the attorney and the client, the attorney's remuneration is determined by the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll., on fees and remuneration of lawyers for the provision of legal services.

The price of legal services is always calculated in advance and individually, based on the complexity of the case, the time spent and related aspects. To arrange a meeting and discuss the terms of our cooperation, you can contact us by phone or via email.